Sunday, May 31, 2009

Predictable = Unpredictable

Sunday, May 31, 2009 0
The thing that is predictable in life is its unpredictability.
Things hit you when you least expect them to be, and yet, you need to stay alive.
The circle of life must be completed whether you are in it or not.

This reminds me so much of The Matrix.
Neo has to choose whether to return to the source and see the annihilation of Zion because he found out that actually it was not the first time the machines destroyed Zion but this was already the 6th time or believe that he can make the difference and end the war for the betterment of everyone in the future.

Choosing the path that leads to the source was simple because the choice was his, a personal choice that does not require others to make for him. It was a choice of logic.

But choosing the path to stay, traversing into unfamiliar grounds not knowing whether the war would end was another question he had to ask himself because it does not only affect his own life but the lives of the entire human race. It was a choice that requires faith...

I hope the final war in my life would end soon because like Neo, i have chosen the path of faith. And it hurts like hell.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Potong Steam Boy + Jungle Jo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1
We're back and all i could say is that
Cambodia was an eye opener...

The first thing when we arrived back from Phnom Penh, he manage to crap lots of potong steam statements. haha. Investigation is still ongoing.

Joel finally found a place where he felt it was better than home...he'll be starting his own tribe in Cambodia next year. So pray for him.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Here we come!

Sunday, May 17, 2009 0
That's rite infusers!
Take a good look at the flag. We're going there to conquer it for Jesus. And this is a start to many nations for us to go. So start asking yourself how you can be apart of future missions that is ahead of us!

Might be Plans 2010:
1) Thailand
2) Cambodia
3) Australia

We pray you stop thinking which boy or girl to go out with,
How many A's you must achieve in your exams
Whether you can get an i-phone
Whether your life is worth living for because it does

The world is waiting for us. They are waiting for Jesus to come to their doorstep.

'One dream can't be achieve by one man but it takes an entire generation to realize it'.

CAMBODIA, here we come!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Come one come all!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 0
Yes yes yes, pls grab a can of fisherman's candy because they are sweet and innocent. Remember to recycle that can once you've finished eating them because fisherman's are always hooking, oh i mean hungry for more. Get it while stock lasts! It's free of charge and tremendously easy to obtain. All you need is a hook...oops i mean sore throat.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Once upon a time...

Monday, May 11, 2009 1
I stumble upon a video that was taken 4 years ago. My goodness i cant believe how huge i have become! Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Where's the pain?!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 0
Here's another blooper. It sounded like he pooped himself at he end of the beating. lol. No hard feelings vil sern.

Thank you

Many thanks to everyone who committed themselves in the shooting. Filming of Paradise 2 is officially over and now just look forward to all of your hardwork in action! God bless guys.
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