Thursday, September 24, 2009

Music music & music

Thursday, September 24, 2009
So beautiful

Poetry without words

Just need feelings to justify it

Understand it

And above all

Strolling in a park with it.

A moment of catharsis that just takes your breath away...

Nothing could beat that because it's so real.

It just sticks onto your heart like a glue, pulling every string of emotion attached to it.

Some exciting, sad, confused, scary, and etc.

It keeps memories too.

A song can contain a memory long forgotten.

That memory was stored when it went together with that song.

And it recalls back when that song is played. How wonderful...

Music O Music. Wheres art thou when i longeth thee?
Where art thou inspiration (french) that takes me to the top of Mengelembu mountain and the depths of MBI sewers?
Where art thou speakest into thy heart a melody that brings fond memories of chicken tauge and Ipoh white coffee...

I love music.


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